Sunday, October 25, 2009

Homeschoolers Field Trip to the Credit Union!

OK, I admit, I signed up for this because 1) it was close to my house and 2) there was a side trip to Daylight Donuts afterwards. But it turned out to be an unexpected hit. The nice credit union ladies really went all out--letting the kids help a drive-through customer using the microphone and the vacuum tube shuttle, showing them the vault, $30,000 in cash, the innards of the ATM machine (while somebody was using it from the other side!) and the coin sorting aparatus. The kids got treat bags with little baggies of shredded cash. That went over big. I told Ava that not everyone could bank at a credit union, but that her brother could since he is a state employee. Ava mentioned SEVERAL times during the tour that, "my Bubby goes here." jeez. A real name dropper. The donuts were completely optional but we enjoyed them!