Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, Tuesday

Monday morning we drove to Chapel Hill for Ava's science class.  We left the house in time for me to take advantage of Caribou Coffee's $1 Monday special.  This is crucial. It is an early start to the day, and on the road this time Ava spent her time studying her new spelling list and designing a personal crest for her Sunday school assignment--each quadrant showing a symbol of one of her favorite things: Hobby (Ava riding a horse); Food (sushi); School Subject (a flask with bubbles and a tube coming up out of it) and Family Member (her brother, Alden).  Nice job, Alden, you made Ava's coat of arms!  Ava read her book on the drive home..so far, the driving time is well-spent.
The Monday science class was all about stars and galaxies...Ava made some marshmallow constellations and blew up a bubble galaxy with some help from her lab partner.  She's not crazy about her lab partner.  Some things don't change.
Tuesday's science class was her "Girls Only" science club where they played with states of matter and dry ice again...then ended with fun on the Estrada family's zip line and pineapple upside down cake.  Nice, huh?! The cake made the top of Ava's "best parts of the day" list.
Also yesterday and today: Tuesday Tales for Homeschoolers at the library featured two birders, Audubon and Lorenz (aka Gooseman).  I learned along with Ava that Gooseman Lorenz discovered "imprinting" and John Audubon discovered "homing" by banding nesting birds.  The kids played duck, duck, goose with the two librarians.  That was a good chuckle. They hardly EVER let kids run around in the library.
Part Two of Emily's art class...fun at yoga...and tossing dough at Stromboli's (kids eat FREE on Tuesdays!) I am exhausted.  But we are having fun.