I love celebrating tiny milestones, and today is as good as any to mark the beginning of second grade. So who cares that I picked a day on which NOBODY is in school, at least in this country--that means her buddies are free to join us for fake recess on the school playground. Ava warmed up her writing fingers by writing a letter to her dad (shhh!) read a story about a naughty goat named Esmeralda and learned the words chiffon, santo, balk and plaza (because they were in the story, not because I'm weird that way.)
She also helped me prepare one of her favorite breakfasts (scrambled eggs with tortilla chips cooked in them, drizzled with ketchup), had a gooey art lesson with Aunt Emily and then celebrated a wonderful albeit arbitrary start of 2nd grade with some Ben and Jerry's pomegranate sorbet. Dairy-free! (We are appreciating the great variety of dairy foods in our diet by doing without them for a week. Cooh, huh!? [This may kill me.]) So, Happy First Day of Second Grade and...Happy Day One of Dairy-Free Dairy Appreciation Week!